Not very Happy. I bought a apple air tag. And I realized it was not compatible with my device. Went back to return and they say I could not return.
Response from Best Buy
March 19, 2025
Thank you for the review. I can certainly understand your frustration with not being able to return an air tag. I would feel just as frustrated.
I'd like to ensure this is looked into further. Feel free to send a private message on one of our social media platforms, Facebook (, Twitter/X (, or Instagram (, with your full name, phone number, email address, and details regarding your visit, including the location, date, and approximate time. If you can also include, Google Review 64946821 in your message, it'd be appreciated.
I am going through the worst experience in my life my debit card was compromised how how. The person or people bought a ps5 online they were able to get it through punk on there car without me or my license to show proof I made a police report and the officer J backman went to the store to investigate and that's how I found out that the people picked it up through there car how the hell did they allow that without me being present. Worst of all I have a best buy card which is what I use to buy in the store or online. I have large purchases in best buy but all through my credit card not my debit card. I called immediately when it happened the best buy support was horrible I called a bunch of times and they gave me a casa number which I gave to my financial institution with the police case number and best buy doesn't want to return my money listen look up my account I already purchased a ps5 for her birthday through my credit card 2 years ago I also bought her the apple watch the iPhone the Nintendo switch through the best buy credit card for which im still making payments so why the heck would u buy another ps5 through my debit card helllooooooo... investigate before making judgements BESTBUY. I REGRET EVER DOING BUSINESS WITH THEM.......I HAVE SPENT SO MUCH MONEYBON MY CREDIT CARD AND HAVE PAID EVERY SINGLE PENNY.....I DONT HAVE THE NECCESITY TO BUY ANOTHER OBE SPECIFICALLY THROUGH MY DEBIT CARD WHEN I HAVE THE CREDT CARD FROM BEST BUY WHERE I CAN PAY 12 MONTHS OR 18 MONTHS . THEY TOOK $532.74 OUT OF MY DEBIT CARD I GOT HACKED DAMN IT. I BEEN TRYING SO HARD TO GET MY MONEY BACK SINCE JANUARY 19 2025 WHEN THE INCIDENT HAPPENED 😪. I WORK HARD FOR MY MONEY. I EVEN MISSED A DAY FROM WORK TO MAKE THE POLICE REPORT AND GO TO MAKE A FRAUD CASE IN MY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION I DIDN'T GET PAID FOR THAT DAY AT WORK. AND TO THIS DAY BEST BUY KEEPS DENYING ME WHATS RIGHTFULLY MINES!!!!!!!!!. THERE ARE REALLY GOOD HACKERS OUT THERE DAMN IT . Think about look up my account in good standing 💯 percent. Why the hell would i try to get off on best buy makes no sense at all.......
Response from Best Buy
March 18, 2025
Hi, Ruth,
Thanks for taking the time to leave a review here on Google. This is certainly a concerning situation, and I can understand wanting to get this resolved in a timely manner.
So that we can look into this closer, please send us a private message on social media. Our team would be happy to assist you on any of the following platforms:
Facebook: @BestBuy
Instagram: @BestBuy
Twitter/X: @BestBuySupport
Kindly mention the phrase “Google Review, Convo #64939404” when reaching out on social media, and be sure to include your full name, phone number, and email address.
Just went to Best Buy to have my phone fixed it took the kid at geek squad 45 minutes to fill out computer work to say my phone couldn’t be fixed. Would not recommend
Response from Best Buy
February 27, 2025
Hi, Chris,
Thank you for taking the time to share this review here, although we hate to hear this was your experience while trying to have your phone serviced. We can understand your feelings here and would like to get some more details from you to ensure your feedback is escalated to the appropriate teams for review.
To get started, please send us a message on Facebook (, Twitter/X (, or Instagram ( I’d recommend sending a private message or DM, as we will need you to provide your full name, email address, and telephone number to complete the documentation process. Please also include a note stating you are reaching out from a Google review by including this reference number: 64868634. We look forward to hearing from you!
Corbyn B
February 22, 2025
I came in there to buy a laptop. They were pushy on me spending more money like 600+ more dollars to play like Roblox. GTA 5, code and some school work, they acted like I didn't know much about computers. I bought the computer that I wanted and sad to say that it does run coding software, GTA 5 on low to mid settings and I am able to do school work and also multitask very well oh and bonus feature it has touch screen.
Response from Best Buy
February 22, 2025
Hello, thank you for taking the time to reach out to us, and share your experience, here on Google. I also like to know that my in store shopping trips will be fast and efficient. Can you please reach out to us via private message on one of the following platforms with the information below, as well as more detail about your experience, so that one of our specialists can continue documenting this for you? Please begin your message with "This is in regards to my Google Review 64842706".
Full Name
E-mail Address
Phone Number
Facebook (
Twitter/X (
Instagram (