Today, I went to the Best Buy store in Doral. I needed a laptop for my office, so I asked for help. There were three young employees walking around and two of them talking amongst themselves. When I approached them for assistance, their response was: “Are you on the list?”
“What list?” I asked.
“There’s a list over there, go ahead and sign up. There’s no one else, so you’ll be first.”
“But I’m here now; I just need to ask you a quick question.”
Their response was: “We work with a list here.”
Obviously, I left the store.
It’s unfortunate to see such a high level of incompetence from these employees and the store itself. That’s why I increasingly prefer to shop online.
Response from Best Buy
January 17, 2025
Hello, Garcia,
Thank you for your feedback on Google my Business. I know not being assisted when need help on purchasing a new computer is frustrating. We would like to hear about your experience, here at the corporate office. Feel free to reach out through social media with the links provided below. When you are reaching out mention "Google Review 64698537", provide details about your review, along with your full name, email, and phone number.
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Here to assist,
January 16, 2025
Hicimos trade in de una computadora y estuvo bien. Pero no pudimos hacer el del teléfono porque no les aparecía en el sistema. Tuve que hacerlo online desde mi casa
De lo mejor!!! Todas las ofertas y recomendaciones a los mejores precios