Неадекватне місце для розвантаження.
Мало того що везеш їх барахло за копійки, так ще й маєш чекати по 6+годин.
Керівник цього складу - неадекватний!!!
Been here 3 times to unload . 1st time 3.5 hrs 2nd time 5.5 hrs 3rd time 5 hrs. Load of appliances … only place I’ve ever delivered to using squeeze machine and taking that long. These people are slow and lazy!!! Horrible place…. Will never do business with Best Buy!
Christopher M
December 27, 2024
I arrived at 5:20 for 5:30 appointment. No other trucks were here when I arrived. It's now 8:45 and I've watched countless LTL as well as full truck loads come and go. This is the 2nd time in less than 2 weeks this place has ruined my day.
Update: it's now 10:06. I received a green light 11 minutes ago. Now I'm waiting for the paperwork.
Slow slow slow, been here 3 hours