Dreadful queue management on most occasions. What a pity for this well stocked, well organized Westbury, NY, store. Wonder what prompts protracted discussions at cash register, maybe selling associated services, even as follow-through shopper queues get backed up.
Two sets of cash registers, same situation in either.
Problem for this leisurely pace seems to be systemic. Other store associates keep doing their thing (not assisting shoppers, though), but do not try to speed-up checkout process by reinforcing staffing at registers.
No wonder Amazon is making inroads in these impatient times.
Wide selection of electronics and set up to easily find and compare
Seems to be lowest prices around
Best Buy close to Long Island!
1/5/25. My wife and I went to buy a laptop and tv. Thr salesmen Aidan Goins and Michael Gomez were great. They both took the time to show us laptops that we were interested in. They explained the difference in functions and applications. They also helped us with getting a notification on when the TV we wanted was available. Good guys! Thank you!