Absolute worst. Never anything in stock. Got bad advice had to go back twice today cuz sales guy in Apple area told me wrong on adapter then when I wanted to return item cuz sales guy sold me wrong item, cashier gave me static. Wasted like hour of my time driving all the way out there just to sell me wrong product. Walmart had the right adapter and sold me same day. Best Buy is a joke always like this.
Best Buy in store staff is informative and great. My sole issue which occurred December 5th picking up an online order and January 25 (last night) picking up another online order for curbside pickup. There are 6 designated curbside pickup spots available on the property. I was one of two parked and waiting. The extremely rude and sarcastic loading guy approached my curbside spot #1 and told me to pull up and park in the marked fire lane which marked with a red curb and no parking. This is a huge issue with me and I explained to that employee it was a fire lane and not a loading area. I went through this very same issue on December 5th. Cars and trucks were parked all along this fire lane illegally parked waiting on the extremely slow loading staff who don’t give a damn about your safety as cars have to navigate through the illegally parked vehicles waiting for loading. Last night was the worst and the employee laughed and mocked my concern about the fire lane. This is apparently not an issue for Best Buy. It will be an issue I intend to take on with the Lubbock Fire Marshal as this is not for Best Buy to decide who parks in the MARKED fire lane. Best Buy is not going to pay for your vehicle when it is damaged by another vehicle in the fire lane that they themselves caused by telling customers you must park there for pickup. Best Buy will not reimburse you for the ticket you will inherit for being illegally parked in that fire lane. This is the second time I raised this issue with Best Buy. They WILL NOT deliver your order to the designated curbside pickup spots as they are too lazy to cross that fire lane to one of those six spots of which I legally was parked in. Thanks Best Buy for considering nobody’s safety in picking up products from your Lubbock store. There are many other places that sell the same items as you and I am sure have a lot more consideration for their customers safety and concerns without mocking them and laughing at them. I for one will consider those other choices and will cancel my Best Buy membership. Customers mean nothing to you.
Update: I have seen and followed up with the reply from the owner (Aaron) and reached Best Buy call center in Minnesota. I assure anyone that regardless of the owner response, nobody with Best Buy in Minnesota cares about your issues with Best Buy in Lubbock, Texas and I mentioned google review #64729456 and it was foreign to them. They suggested contacting the store, I have twice and I assure you they don’t give a damn about your concern. The best way to resolve this is through the fire marshal as I stand firmly behind my review that Best Buy does not give a damn about your safety or your concerns.
Response from Best Buy
January 25, 2025
Thanks for reaching out and providing your feedback. We should never condone asking customers to park in a non parking zone, so I can understand your concern. We would love to document your experience as we are always looking to improve. To connect with a "Live Representative" you can contact us through a Social Media platform listed below and reference "Google Review #64729456". Please provide us with your full name, email address, and telephone number to complete the documentation process. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Facebook (http://Facebook.com/BestBuy)
Twitter/X (http://Twitter.com/BestBuySupport)
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The employees at this Best buy like to stand around and talk while the checkout line has multiple people in it. 1 person checking out 5 standing at the door talking. Why has customer service gone down so much..
Response from Best Buy
January 24, 2025
Thanks for leaving your feedback here. We appreciate you taking the time to bring your concerns to our attention.
We would love to address any questions or concerns you may have. Please reach out to a live representative by sending a private message to the official Best Buy page on any social media platform. You may use the Google Review number #64726092 as reference. We look forward to hearing from you.
Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/bestbuy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bestbuy
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bestbuy